MePPS architecture

The MePPS system consists of two main components: the front-end platforms (aka eMalls), and the central unit, which includes a central database (CDB), an API and several front-end systems (public portal, commercial platforms, reporting systems, risk management systems, analytics systems, controlling body systems, etc.) to provide or exchange information with a range of stakeholders.

The front-end platforms are web platforms that implement eProcurement system features and provide access for CA and EO. The front-end platforms interact with the CDB via the OpenProcurement API over a secure connection, and provide suppliers with temporary credentials to access the auction module hosted on the central unit. These platforms are provided by a range of commercial electronic platform operators offering various additional services, depending on their market niche (ERP integration, business and legal consultancy on public procurement, geographical coverage, etc.).

The basic architecture of the MePPS system

Components of the central unit of the MePPS system

Commercial platform - commercial eProcurement platform independent from the central unit, through which CA conduct all their operations, and EO submit their offers as well as their questions and complaints. Connection between the commercial platforms and Central Unit is secured by an encrypted channel of communication. In order to take part in an eAuction, each EO receives through their commercial platform a unique link to their individual web page, which is generated by the CDB. There is no additional encryption over this connection. Requires Internet Connection.

CDB servers 1-n - cluster of servers, which provide read-write operations and cooperation between the commercial platforms and the CDB. Authorisation for each commercial platform is provided by the individual admin access tokens. Requires Internet Connection, through secure connection, only for allowed IP addresses.

CDB - central database, which contains information about the tender notice, received offers, qualification results, questions and complaints, and results of their review by the complaint body. Does not require Internet Connection.

File Repository Management System - server managing the access to the file repository. It controls the access to the files and reads the files from the repository. Requires Internet Connection.

File Repository - storage of the files attached to the tender notices, offers, and complaints. Does not require Internet Connection.

Front-end Auction Servers 1 - n - cluster of the front-end servers for the eAuction module, which serves eAuction users: displaying individual user’s page; retrieving the current status of the auction from the CDB server, etc.Requires Internet Connection.

Auction Public Server - front-end eAuction server, installed for the observers. It displays the web page for read-only users, so that everybody can watch how an eAuction is running. Current status of the auction is received from the DB auction server. It does not allow making bids.Requires Internet Connection.

Back-end Auction Server - back-end eAuction server. It receives bids uploaded through the front-end auction servers, saves them in the auction DB, and executes the logic of the eAuction module. During the auction, it keeps track of the time allocated to each bidder and it determines the sorting order of the bidders at the end of each round according to the award criteria. Does not require Internet Connection.

Auction DB Management Server - back-end server, which provides correlation between the back-end auction server and the auction DB.Does not require Internet Connection.

Auction DB - auction database, which contains information about the auctions in progress and bids provided by every participant.Does not require Internet Connection.

Logging server - server where logs generated by the API servers, DB servers and commercial platforms are saved. It provides an external interface to allow other stakeholders to consult the logs.Requires Internet Connection.

Automated Testing Server - server that runs test scripts on the Open Procurement АРІ and the software developed by commercial platforms in order to control the correctness of these elements.Does not require Internet Connection.

Web portal - website that presents procurement information in compliance with legislation, from the CDB through the Portal’s Public АРІ. Contains general information pages as well.Requires Internet Connection.

Portal Index Server - server for indexing and storing indexes of records received from the CDB through the public API.Does not require Internet Connection.

Public АРІ server - server that displays CDB records in read-only mode. Only information allowed for publication by the current legislation is displayed (i.e. it does not show offers of the bidders until the opening session (disclosure) of the bids.Requires Internet Connection.

Portal DBMS - database that is used for storing web pages with static content that are displayed on the web portal.Does not require Internet Connection.

Complaint Review Web App - web interface for the representatives of the Complaint Review Body. Members of this entity can access the complaint, review it, accept or reject it, and finally publish the decision on the CDB through the API. Requires Internet Connection, only for allowed IP addresses.